- Open Linewize (https://schoolmanager.us-1.familyzone.io/)
- Sign in with Google
- Click east.allen.county.schools.in.us under Device Name
Find a User
Find a student or staff member using the Find User button.
- On the Dashboard, you will see “Find User” on the upper right-hand side of the screen.
- In the pop-up box, you can either type in a Student ID or Full Name.
User Journey
A simplified view that can be exported as a PDF or CSV.
- On the “User Dashboard”, you can now see the “User Journey” on the upper right-hand side of the screen.
- To export the “User Journey”, click on Export Report.
- You can either export as a PDF or CSV.
- You will be sent an e-mail of the report once it is processed.
User Timeline
A more in-depth view where you can select a time range, this report can only be exported as a CSV.
- For a more in-depth report with a timeline use the “User Timeline” option at the “User Dashboard”.
- Click the Date/Time box and select the range you would like to view/export.
- This report can ONLY be exported as a CSV and will be downloaded to your workstation in your My Downloads folder.
If you have any questions contact helpdesk@eacs.k12.in.us or x4357