Changing Default File Application

Learn how to easily switch the default application for opening specific file types on your device.



Used for when an application is not opening in the correct application.

  1. Press the Start menu button and press the gear to open settings
  2.  Open the "Apps" menu
  3.  Select "Default apps"
  4. Scroll to the bottom of the menu and select ""Default apps by file type". This will open a menu with a list of every single file extension and the app that the machine is using to open files with those file extensions. You will have to know what the file extension is for the file that is not opening correctly. Finding that is explained below.
  5. Right click on the file that is not opening properly and click "Properties". Under the "General" tab you will see "Type of file". The letters in the parenthesis is the file extension that you'll have to find in the list which we referenced in step 4.
  6. After finding the file extension and locating that extension in the list that was opened in step 4, click on the application that it's currently using to open the application. You can then select the correct application from the list that appears.